Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bahasa Intan Bahasa Kaca

Tulisan Ustaz Hasrizal hari ini menyebabkan saya terkesima seketika. Mana tidaknya, apa yang ditulis itu merupakan realiti yang terkena di atas kepala saya sendiri.

Kita sering mendengar ungkapa "Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa", namun pekakah kita dengan penggunaan bahasa yang betul? Seringkali yang menjadi pilihan generasi kini adalah bahasa rojak dan ejaan ringkas yang memeningkan sesiapa sahaja yang membaca. Sila lihat artikel penuh dari www.saifulislam.com.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

MCA Election

Today is the D-Day for MCA. We can expect close fights for all the position contested. Since the heavy loss in the last general election, many leaders has called for change. Those who are elected today as the new MCA president and deputy president will determine how the party would reinvent itself to draw back the support of the Chinese community. The newly-elected leaders will have to speak up against the UMNO to be seen as genuine leaders of the Chinese community. Will MCA be successful in reinventing itself? Let us see first who are the new leaders.


(Image taken from tunkuaisha.blogspot.com)

One year ago, all of us would not think that Indians would ever leave Samy Vellu's MIC. Indian community had always been loyal supporters of Barisan Nasional no matter what issues had been brought up by the opposition. MIC is the only one seen as the only hope for Indians.

However, all of Malaysians were shocked when a rebellious Indian group who call themselves HINDRAF took to the street crying foul over the unfair treatment to the Indian community which is probably sparked by temple demolition in Selangor. Many people criticised the group's vocal action and street protests that caused disruption of public harmony and business in the city centre. Five of its leaders were caught under the draconian act ISA and one of its leaders is currently on a self-imposed exile in London.

Since then, it was never the same anymore for the Indians. MIC was no longer seen as a fighter of the Indian community but just another lackey for UMNO. Hindraf is the new saviour for Malaysian Indians. Almost all of the Indians deserted MIC for opposition parties which are seen to be pro-Hindraf in the March general election leaving MIC with only a few parlimentary seats and even Samy Vellu was voted out. The shouting of Makkal Sakthi was heard everywhere. One of Hindraf leaders also won a state seat in Selangor on the opposition ticket eventhough he was locked up under ISA had never had a chance to campaign during the election.

Since the loss in the GE, MIC has been changing its tune to the Hindraf. Sawy Vellu had even called for the release of the Hindraf leaders under ISA. However, change is something unthinkable in UMNO. And to release those opposing UMNO supremacy is mission impossible. And now, the government has taken another step further, banning Hindraf and likened the organization to underground gangters, criminals and mafia.

Will the Indians come back under the roof of BN? Will MIC be successful in drawing back the support of the Indians? This is something unlikely to be seen in the near future.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin buat semua.... Semoga perjalanan balik kampung selamat tanpa sebarang musibah... Patuhilah undang-undang di jalan raya.....

Saya akan bertolak balik ke Kelantan pagi nanti. Doakan semoga selamat sampai.....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kezaliman ISA

Sehingga hari ini, 3 orang telah ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) atas dakwaan menimbulkan ketegangan kaum. Mereka ialah pengendali laman web Malaysia Today Raja Petra Kamarudin, wartawan Sin Chew Daily Tan Hoon Cheng, dan ahli Parlimen dari DAP Teresa Kok. Sila lihat artikel di sini.

Apakah bukti yang menunjukkan mereka ini menimbulkan ketegangan kaum di Malaysia? Sekiranya ada bukti, mengapa tidak dibawa sahaja ke mahkamah untuk dihukum di bawah Akta hasutan dan sebagainya? Apakah yang ditakuti oleh kerajaan untuk membawa mereka ke muka pengadilan? Adakah kerajaan juga tidak yakin dengan proses undang-undang di Malaysia? Persoalan demi persoalan timbul akibat tindakan tidak bertamadun ahli-ahli politik yang ingin menjaga periuk nasi mereka.

Kerajaan juga bersikap pilih kasih dalam melaksanakan keadilan. Sekiranya kerajaan benar-benar ikhlas ingin mengelakkan pertelingkahan kaum, mengapa Ketua Bahagian Umno Bukit Bendera yang mengatakan bahawa orang bukan Melayu sebagai kaum pendatang tidak dikenakan tindakan yang sama. Dibandingkan ISA dengan penggantungan keahlian Umno selama 3 tahun, sudah pasti setiap orang yang waras tahu yang manakah lebih ringan.

Islam sentiasa menekankan keadilan kepada semua, tidak mengira agama dan bangsa. Berikut petikan dari artikel Ustaz Hasrizal. Artikel penuh di sini.

"Tatkala Allah SWT mengungkapkan di dalam ayat itu, bahawa hukuman tahanan ke atas Yusuf adalah ‘hingga ke suatu masa’, saya tidak dapat lari dari tersungkur di hadapan segala keperitan yang ditanggung oleh tahanan ISA di negara kita. Yusuf dan mereka yang terkurung atas nama ISA, bukan dipenjara tetapi mereka ditahan. Ia bukan hukuman, tetapi suatu bentuk penyeksaan...."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Debat Tudung Muslimah: Bidasan Terhadap Raja Petra Malaysiatoday

Raja Petra dalam laman webnya Malaysia Today sekali lagi telah menimbulkan kekeliruan di dalam masyarakat Islam. Kali ini berkaitan dengan kewajipan bertudung bagi wanita Muslimah... Bacalah ulasan Ustaz Zaharuddin berkenaan hal ini.

"Dari itu, dalam perkara ini, menutup aurat termasuklah kepala, rambut, leher dan dada adalah satu perintah yang bukan hanya terhad kepada isteri-isteri Nabi, tetapi juga kepada seluruh kaum wanita Muslim. Ianya bukanlah hanya budaya bangsa Arab yang tinggal di padang pasir yang berdebu, tetapi adalah suatu perintah agama yang khusus. Malah kita dapat melihat bagaimana Allah swt mengarahkan Nabi untuk menyampaikan arahan menutup aurat ini kepada seluruh wanita yang beriman sebagaimana firman Allah :-

وَنِسَاء الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Yang bermaksud: "Wanita-wanita yang beriman"

Oleh itu sesiapa sahaja yang mengaku Muslim lagi mukmin, wajiblah mereka tunduk dan patuh serta mentaati perintah Allah sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam ayat tadi......."

Klik di sini untuk artikel penuh.

Malaysiakini telah melaporkan bahawa Raja Petra telah ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) hari ini. Walaupun dia telah menimbulkan kekeliruan di dalam masyarakat, namun ISA bukanlah penyelesaiannya. Penahanan tanpa bicara adalah tetap merupakan suatu kezaliman tidak kira siapa yang menjadi mangsa.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke-51

Let us savor this 51st Merdeka Day and remember this year as the year of change....
Hurray Malaysia....
Let's face all the challenges that come with bravery and unity!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Home: A Refreshing Retreat

It's been 3 weeks since I last posted here... It's been busy in the last weeks of surgical posting. My life has been quite miserable, unorganized and loss of calmness.

A week of holiday after the exam is something that we as medical students longed after.

Going home is very refreshing for me. Seeing the faces of my mother and father, feeling the serene suburb air, and going to the mosque here makes me forget the fast city culture. It's refreshing to forget the hard work in the hospital for a while.

I can surely re-energize and recharge myself to face another tiring and tedious ward work. Just hope that the psychiatric posting is more interesting than the surgical posting.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Attitude of doctors

Entering the medical school, we are always reminded about attitude. "Attitude is more important than knowledge. If you don't know you can always learn. But if your attitude is bad, it's hard to change." That is one of the commonest words that has always being preached to us.

But, what is attitude? "Your attitude to something is the way that you think and feel about it" (Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary). So, is it really just that?So, we have different attitudes to different things, i.e. to ourselves, our superiors, our inferiors, other persons and the world generally.

So there must be bad attitude and good attitude. By judging our attitude to them, then the people will judge us. So, what attitude must we have as doctors? Most people respects and looks up to doctors. We, as future doctors should be the ones that people can emulate for the good of the society. What will people thinks we doctors acts thoughtlessly? Will they still believe what advice the doctors give then?

Some of us really acts without thinking about others. We never care how people feel when we do something. Sometimes a small thing can change the people's perception about us. Can you imagine when people say that the IIUM graduates are selfish. "Look at all those cars blocking the road, these are all the IIUM medical students' cars. They park as they feel like it, never thought of other people using the road." These small things can change the whole community's perception about us. What's wrong to walk a little bit if we cannot get a parking space near the campus? If we want nearer parking space, then come early like Masni who has the same parking spot since the 3rd year.

Be considerate towards others, then they will be considerate towards you. I just want to quote Masjid Negeri's Imam when he talked to the students who parked in his lawn, "Saya tak kisah kamu nk parking dlm kawasan saya. Tapi janganla halang laluan kereta saya. Anak saya pun doktor jugak, tapi saya selalu ingatkan dia janganla tau merawat orang jer."

Think about others first before you do something. If you think what you are doing is going to cause difficulty to others, find other alternatives. "Those who do not take concern of the Moslems' business, they are not one of them." So, if we do not take into consideration of the people in our local community, then how are we going to think about the global Islamic community. Think, and think, and think.

P/s: This article does not mean to hurt anyone. If I have done something that was inconsiderate to anyone in the past, I would like to apologize. Those who feel hurt about this article, I am very sorry.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pictures: IIUM vs Veteran Chenor

Sadly, we lost the friendly match last Sunday by 2-6...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Masks We Wear

(the image downloaded from ::samyii:: on flickr.com)

"Everyone has a mask. If we don't have mask on, we won't be able to face others."

I think that saying was from the motion picture "V for Vendetta" if I'm not mistaken. That saying keeps me pondering for quite some time.

Do you think that the saying is right? For me, I think that it is true in some sense. All of us may have some ugly side that we don't want other people to know about. Maybe we have some bad habits that we want to change, and maybe there are some things not as bad but need to be concealed to others.

So, another question here is does wearing masks make us hypocrites? The answer may not be simple. Whether or not we become hypocrites by wearing masks actually depends on the reason and intention behind it.

If there's no mask, people will become disinhibited and act on urge. The world will become chaotic if that happens.

That is my lowly opinion and everyone can disagree with me. I welcome any comment on this matter.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Forum

I've just tried setting up new forum for IIUM 8th batch. Those who have time please visit and register.

If this forum is successful then we can proceed with Ramzi's suggestion to have proper website just for us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The 5th and final(?) year

The darkness that shrouded the word of "Final Year" is looming myself.... After battling through the ups and downs of the medical school, it is finally here. It is enthusiastically awaited, and yet feared... No one knows what awaits beyond, yet everyone wants to go through it, hopefully unscathed by its visiousness.... What we have with us is hope, determination, hardwork, prayers, blessings.... and not to forget, the "books".

Thanks to Ramzi, the rotation and group members are now known. But, what I clearly noticed is that the male groupmates are shrinking in number from 10 in fourth year to just mere six this final year. It can't be helped since we had to be divided into five groups this year compared to just three last year.

Yet, I feel really small among great names in my group in the likes of Aimir, Anip, Azamani, Shufi and Mokk.... And this year, it is Aimir who'll be my roommate and groupmate (boleh tumpang keta)... hahaha. It's been Arep and Ruzain in the 3rd and 4th yr respectively. The great names among the females also makes me feel just like a little ant. I'm humbled to be listed in the same group as Liya, Timah, Masni and others... I really hope they can help me go through difficult terrains and and pull me up when I fall into the pits.

And, to all of you all my fellow comrades - whether you're in the same group as I or not - let us face this coming year with all we could muster of willpower and patience. And let Allah guide us to be successful in serving Him and His other servants. O Allah, please guide us and give us strength to be good, pious Muslim doctors.

Friday, May 30, 2008

New Dean of Kulliyyah of Medicine

IIUM Kulliyyah of Medicine will be gatting a new dean soon!!!

This is because Prof Tahir is promoted to the post of Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs), if I'm not mistaken. The farewell ceremony for Prof Tahir was held in Auditorium KOM two days ago (Nazhan attended the ceremony as MSC President)...

As for who will replace him, a trusted source said Prof Fauzi is the most probable candidate. Dr Naznin will be taking back the post of Deputy Dean (Academic). Prof Nasa will remain as Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Prof Naseer Amjad will be replacing Prof Ariff - who wants to be back in the Dept of Anaesthesiology - as Deputy Dean of Research.

However, these names are not finalized yet. Just wait and see...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Malaysian History

While I was just surfing the blogs this week, I found an interesting blog about Malaysian History....
You can read about the important events that leads to the building of our society today. Let's relearn our history from a new perspective which is not taught in school. I have added the blog in my sociopolitics link..

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Some pics from Sg Lembing

Hari ni baru dpt publish gambar2 nih... Bukan apa, malas nk edit jer sebenarnya. Gambar yg lawa skt tu amik dgn kamera Acap.
Our mode of transportation.... the red striking Satria!!!

Kontrol macho sblom mendaki.... pakaian tak sesuai... haha.

View dr halfway-up........

View atas puncak....

Gaya Musa'ab lompat katak....

Posing depan fire hidrant dlm lombong...

Gambar kenangan depan muzium sblom balik....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome Arep the blogger

I've just added Arep to my blogroll. Hope everyone can visit him and give support. He has been blogging for quite some time, just didn't know how to advertise. Let's read out his thought and know him better. I think most of the sisters don't really know Arep as he's quite reserved himself. Haha...

The Historical Sg. Lembing

Last weekend, Arep, Acap, Musab & I went to Sg Lembing. It was Acap's idea. It's just so boring in Kuantan with nothing to do and with so few people. I just tagged along to get away from the ultimate boredom... I hadn't been to Sg Lembing before, although it was just about 35km from Kuantan.

That was the first time in 4 yrs... We departed from Pak Lah at around 8.30am. With Arep's driving, it took us about 45min to reach Sungai Lembing. The town is quite isolated from other towns. It is surrounded by secondary forest and connected to Kuantan by a narrow winding road (seems that I exaggerated a bit). It can also be accessed from other smaller road from Panching.

The town is an old town with shophouses from the British era. Most of the residents are Chinese with a few Malays. Near the town centre, there is a British-Indian-style old Masjid Jamek. The market was dominated by Chinese and from my point of view, the town is quite similar to Benta in Raub.

We started our activity by climbing the panoramic Bukit Panorama. It is located just at the back of the town, about 1km from the town centre. I didn't wear suitable clothes to climb the hill because I thought it was just like walking up a not so tall hill. However, Arep and I regretted it. The hill was so tall and the stairs was steep (luckily there were stairs although not complete to the top). However, in a pair of jeans, t-shirt and jogging sneakers I managed to reach the top in 30min (I had to stop a few times to catch my breath in between). The 'amoi's who we met while climbing up said they took about an hour to reach the top. Luckily, we managed to save our faces despite our unfitness.

We spent for about 15min at the top taking photos and enjoying ourselves with the beautiful panorama. I tried to upload some pics here but the internet connection is not good. Maybe I'll share the pics some other time. Walking downwards was a lot faster than climbing up. It took us about 15min to be at the foothill again where we parked the car.

After taking a short rest and cooling down, we headed to Muzium Sungai Lembing. The museum exhibits the mining activities that were once the pride of Sungai Lembing. In the old days, the town was one of the busiest and most prosperous town in Pahang. It had one of the largest underground tin mine in the region. However, due to the drop of tin price and reduced production of tin in the 1980's, the mine had to be closed down and many residents fled the town. Most of those staying changed their job into agricultural activities. Currently, Sungai Lembing is a cowboy town dominated by the elderly.

After that, we drove around to look at the site of the old mine. The mine was not open for visitors as it was more than a hundred years old and needed major conservation before it was safe to be visited. We just go back to Kuantan after that and didn't have the time to take a dip in the river b'coz we wanted to have a good rest before going to Sri's brother wedding ceremony.

A month of silence

It's been a month since I last posted an article. I just could not be consistent in blogging... (not only blogging, but I'm also not consistent in many things). In the past month my energy indicator dropped from full to just above zero... The past week was the lowest.

For the first two weeks of the remedial, I was in Temerloh joining the 3rd yr group in the paediatric posting. I was quite sceptical at first how they would treat Nazhan and I. But they are really friendly, we were not alienated. I'm not talking about the boys b'coz I've known most of them well since my second yr. All of them really treated us like we are part of them. I was quite happy.

In Temerloh, they really enjoyed themselves going to Genting, elephant sanctuary in Kuala Gandah and also Deerland in Lanchang. Nazhan and I did not join them as we come back to Kuantan in the weekend (as expected of someone who has a family... haha). In the last week in Temerloh, we all had BBQ at night in the sisters' house. Everyone joined and took part in the grilling... a nice memory.

In the 3rd week, we were back in Kuantan. On the first day in HTAA, all of us were demoralized, being scolded by Dr Selva in the early Monday morning surely not the way you want to start your day.... However, the rest of the week ended smoothly. Last week was Papa Zain's week. I really can't stand the long hours of preaching. Haha... My energy level must really near zero, I skipped two days of his bedside teaching ans seminars. If Prof Wahab found out about this, I would be dead. Hehe...

It'll be 2 weeks more before this posting ends, I hope I can recharge myself today. There're so many things to read and I really really lack of practice in the shortcase. Have to struggle in the last fortnight. Chayyok, chayyok. Aja aja fighting......

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Short holiday?!!!

The exam has finished yesterday.... The whole 10 weeks of study was concluded by two days of exam... I didn't do so excellent, but I was relieved at least. I've done what I could and the rest let Allah decides...

However, next week I've got to be back here for my remedial in paeds. Huhuhu.....

But, whatever it comes I've just wanna recharge myself at home for a few days... Hope that this remedial won't be too hard..

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Respond to 'Fitna'

The release of 'Fitna' by Geerst Wilders has evoked various reactions from the global community, including both Muslims and non-Muslims. Even the Dutch government condemned the film...

However, if no rational and logical explanations are given on the issues highlighted by the film, the Muslim community will be seen as a fascist and terrorist community by the non-Muslims.

Here, I published an article from readingislam.com on one of the verse that was quoted in 'Fitna'.

A Qur'anic Perspective on Terrorism

By El-Sayed M. Amin

Terrorist attacks that have taken place in the past few years, including 9/11, 7/7, and the latest attacks in Glasgow, have been always linked with Muslim suspects, which makes some people think that Islam is a religion that supports terrorism or even calls for it.

There is a strong controversy about the relation between Islam and terrorism; some people say that terrorism has its roots in the Qur'an while others say that the Qur'an has nothing to do with terrorism. With this, the truth is lost between both exclusivists and apologists.

The root word "r h b" and its linguistic derivatives, which are the Arabic equivalents denoting a very literal translation to the words "terrorize" and "terrorism," have been mentioned seven times in the Qur'an.

Out of these seven occurrences, there is only one occurrence denoting the use of force.

God says in the Qur'an what means,

{Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides whom you may not know, but whom Allah does know. Whatever you shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.}(Al-Anfal 8:60)

Checking many of the classical and modern books of Qur'anic commentaries, you can easily find that none of the other six occurrences has any relation to the use of force or terrorizing innocents.

To the contrary, all of them refer to fearing God, supplicating to Him humbly while hoping His reward and fearing His punishment. The cited verse of Surat Al-Anfal calls upon Muslims to prepare different forms of deterrence in anticipation for those with whom they are at enmity, in case the enemy attacks all of a sudden.

The verse is cited in the context of Surat Al-Anfal, which began with reference to the first battle fought between Muslims and the polytheists of Makkah (i.e. the Battle of Badr) as if God is telling Muslims at that time to be ready for facing their enemies by preparing all the war logistics in case they are forced to confront the enemy.

According to commentators like late Sheikh Ash-Sha`rawi, the "preparation of force" referred to in the above verse doesn't mean that Muslims should adopt the wait-and-see approach to see how events will develop. Rather, they should be ready to face their enemies in case they are attacked.

Thus, the verse refers to the fact that Muslims' deterring force should be present both in war and peace times alike. In addition, being equipped with power and necessary war logistics doesn't necessarily mean using power aimlessly and haphazardly to terrorize the innocents.

This may explain why Prophet Muhammad advised his Companions on the night of the Battle of Badr saying, "Don't ever wish to meet the enemy, but if you are forced to do that, then be patient" (Al-Bukhari).

That saying of Prophet Muhammad indicates that facing the enemy should never be an aim in itself, but if Muslims are put in a situation where they have to fight those who transgress against them, they should endure with patience.

Therefore, the above verse reveals the following facts:

  1. Muslims are faithful to their agreements at war times and peace times. This can be easily understood if we study some verses before and after this verse.
  2. Islam orders Muslims to equip themselves with the necessary power to face their enemies in case they attack them.
  3. There is a big difference between power preparation, which denotes self-equipment for possible future attacks, and the real application of power in a purely civil context, as power in this case will turn into uncivilized behavior causing harm for others, which is totally forbidden in Islam.
  4. The verse urges Muslims to materially and psychologically demonstrate that they are not a weak force in order for their enemies to think twice before attacking them.
  5. The verse is a call for what may be termed as "armed peace." Thus, it is an indirect call for peace because when Muslims are powerful, their enemies will decline from attacking them.
  6. "Power" referred to in the above verse is a generic term denoting all kinds of materialistic, psychological, technological, etc., powers.
  7. The verse aims at terrorizing the enemy and it doesn't mean terrorizing innocents in any way.

So it is clear that the quoted Qur'anic verse prohibits attacking civilians as they are not a targeted enemy. Even at war times, Islam prohibits fighting those who do not fight, let alone the non-combating women, children, old-aged, handicapped, and rabbis and saints in their places of worship.

There are two interchangeably used correlations in today's media: Muslim terrorists or Islamic terrorists, which indicates ignorance of the true teachings of Islam.

Islam is not the religion of terrorism. Rather, it is the religion of positive pacifism in the full sense of the word. It is a universal call for peace. It abhors and prohibits attacking others unjustifiably out of hate and revenge whether this is done by a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

God says in the Qur'an what means,

{And do not make mischief in the earth after its reformation, and call on Him fearing and hoping; surely the mercy of Allah is nigh to those who do good (to others).}(Al-A`raf 7:56)

Terrorism: Punishable Crime

The first community to expose and condemn terrorist attacks should be the Muslim community. This is simply because disseminating mischief in the land through terrorist acts is a strongly punishable crime in Islam.

God has referred to the punishment of those who commit these horrible crimes saying,

{The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.}(Al-Ma'idah 5:33)

This is the punishment prescribed by Islam for those who destabilize the society and deny people their right to tranquillity. Right before this verse is another one that considers the killing of a single human being, regardless of race, faith, or geographical location as an annihilation to all members of the human family.

{Whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if one has killed all humankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if one has saved the life of all humankind.}(Al-Ma'idah 5:32)

Terrorism has become an international phenomenon and people of all faiths have to join hands to remove its causes and punish its perpetrators.

El-Sayed Amin is currently a PhD candidate in Islamic studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is also a lecturer at the Islamic Studies Department in English at Al-AzharUniversity. Amin formerly worked as a Shari`ah editor at IslamOnline.net where he used to write articles on Islam and its relation to other religions. He can be reached at: EMA625@bham.ac.uk.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Updates 30/3/08

I've been quite busy this week, had to finish the research report, logbook and other assignments...
Didn't have enuff time to update.... These are on the news this week:

- Pemilihan UMNO akhir tahun ini
- Pak Lah sedia dicabar
- Scrap nomination quota: Dr M (Pak Lah surely feels the chill right now)
- Sultans's choice of MB stripped off UMNO membership
- MT terima Ahmad Said (UMNO members have to lick their spit???! Idris gigit jari laah)
- 10,000 greets the King
- Apology to the sacked judges: Zaid
- Another Deputy Minister resigns
- Sabah wants more cabinet posts
- Selangor teruskan polisi setinggan sifar: Khalid
- Raikkonen wins in Sepang (hail the prancing horse)
- Man U won 4-0 against Aston Villa in Old Trafford (keep the good job boys... Glory Glory Man United)

By the way, last night was the Earth Hour. Missed the opportunity to light off (I was on the way from Pekan last night)...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Riverine Clinics Ulu Tembeling 1

Just wanna share a few pics from my visit to the riverine clinics in Ulu Tembeling, Pahang last week.

On the boat... 4 hours until the destination.

Just a shot on the boat...

The rapids... one of 9 on the way upstream

river latrine??!

a bridge under construction (for the people or loggers?!!)

the election campaign even reached here... a big salute to the candidate

finally, arrived at the destination (Kg Bantal)... after four long hours

with the guesthouse owner, Ayah Dali...

this is the biggest clinic in Ulu Tembeling... no medical doctors. Anyone want to apply??

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Regent's Reminder for Leaders

Perak's Regent has reminded the political leaders to learn from the history and not repeating past mistakes.

“Only a small number of those given opportunities to become leaders actually did enough to create history and build civilisations. Many of those given the opportunity to lead allowed the joy and passion of having power to lead them astray," he said in his speech during the state-level Maulidur Rasul (Prophet's birthday) celebration at the State Secretariat here Thursday.

"Some became complacent, some went astray, some were ill-advised, some adopted wrong decisions and some made miscalculations, "he said. (The Star)

Did The Highness mean the newly appointed MB or the PM. I think the statement should be generalized for all leaders...

You can read more here.

New Cabinet Line-up

A new cabinet line-up has been announced. However, the conflict still remains. Surely Pak Lah will still have nightmares in his sleep. There were different reactions to his choice of ministers and deputies. NST has reported it as a cabinet of reforms (I wonder if it's really true). Still, many new faces has entered the cabinet including those who did not contest in the GE2008 (including contoversial faces, you can guess who).

I think internal politics of UMNO will be interesting to be looked at until the party's general assembly in August. The disgruntled party members who were dropped will play significant role in the greatest Malaysian drama. Pak Lah will have to be prepared for his decision to drop the big names. Even those who were selected to be deputies declined the post because they felt that they're senior enough to be full ministers. Of course, if there's someone more junior than you can become a full minister why can't you.

Bold moves by Mukhriz and Ku Li alone can put Pak Lah on fire. I think many other UMNO members are playing "wait and see". I'm looking forward for the next plot to unveil...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Post-political "tsunami"

In the last general election, we have seen so many unexpected results. The government (BN) who usually won comfortably in previous elections had lost its 2/3 majority in the parliament and additional four state governments to the opposition coalition. I would have never imagined this, and I think nobody did.

Political analysts came with various comments on the PRU12 results. Many said this is truly a new dawn for Malaysia. No more race-based politics, the people has united under one name - that is Malaysia. Some suggested that we can see the emergence of two-party political system. Some suggested the BN to truly merge into a one party. Another popular comment is that the people did not really support the opposition but the PRU12 is seen as silent protest of the injustice, the economical hardship that the people is going through lately.

Whatever the reason, the most appropriate thing for the victors to do is to smoothly form a government and get down to work. This will show the people that they have done a good choice, that they have chosen candidates that can fulfill all the election promises. However, for the past one week the political development is a letdown. There are many bickering, infighting and disagreement between the opposition coalition. Up to now, there is still no MB for Perak. Every party wants their reps to be the MB, and more of their reps to be the EXCO.

Why can't everyone sit down together and settle these things smoothly. Let us be truth to our words, to truly serve the public. If the opposition fails to perform, I wonder how many years will it take before it will be given another chance. Maybe 30 to 50 is a reasonable guess.

BN also does not exempted from the problem. There's more serious problem in UMNO. The party leaderships are silently plotting to save their pot. Everyone is very cautious in making comments except one brave son of Mahathir, who loudly called for PM's resignation.

In the states, up till now there's uncertainty of who will fill the MB posts in Perlis and Terengganu. In Perlis, the Highness Raja Perlis chose a different candidate than PM's. Sultan of Terengganu has yet to accept Idris Jusoh as the MB. This time around the palaces are truly display their power. This give another headache to the PM. Huh, I wonder.

Let's hope that in the following week, all parties can come together and solve their problems and smoothly continue proper governance to serve the people. Given current situation, I don't think two-party political system will materialize. At least not in ten years time. Anyway, let's congratulate the Malaysians for being courageous enough to change.